I am entire month behind on blogging, but I can not make myself just skip ahead. I want to always be able to look back and remember all the fun times we had as a family!
So... back in mid to late August Josh was gearing up for his annual hunting trip to Utah. He was throwing around the idea of taking Trey with him, but I thought he was kidding, silly me ;) When I realized he was serious about taking him, I got really nervous and anxious. I spent the next few weeks pleading my case and coming up with reasons for him not to go. But I kept coming back to the fact that I would miss him too much! 12 days without my baby boy!?! No way.
Well, as you can see in the following pictures, Josh was very persistant and I caved. Seeing how excited Trey was made me feel way better about him going. He woke up every morning for a week saying, "Is it today? Are we going to the mountains today?" I couldn't stand between my Little Hunter and The Mountains, lol!

Josh and his friend text me pictures of him every single day, and most days I got 3-4 pictures! They knew this would keep me off their backs. I saw him riding the Ranger, eating, sleeping on his cot, playing on a mountain, riding in the car, posing with deer they killed, etc. It made me feel a lot better getting to talk to him every day and seeing pictures and videos of him having fun. What did mother's do before cell phones? I can't imagine!
Josh said Trey was a perfect angel and he got so many compliments on how well behaved he was and how tough he was. A lot of his people were expecting it to be a miserable trip taking a 3 year old to the mountains. I mean, it is an 18 hour drive! But thankfully, they were wrong! They had so much fun and I over hear them talking about next year all the time :)
That, my friends, is a chipmunk! Don't worry, they tanned the hide and it was perfectly clean and safe. That's what they told me, anyways ;)