8 years ago
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sunday Funday!
I am spending this beautiful Sunday afternoon with my Little Man! Harleigh and Daddy went hog hunting with Uncle Pickle, and Trey stayed at home with his Momma. We have had a fun day so far, I got beat at Gator Golf, played "Tiger", and cars. He is now laying down for a nap so I better use this time to catch up on stuff around the house!
I'm such a lucky Momma!
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Friday, January 15, 2010
Stop Knocking...
I heard your tires on the gravel as you pulled into the driveway, but I rushed to my room and told the kids to hush! I don't feel like entertaining right now.
I see you from the window, but I'm pretending I'm not home. Because my house is littered with toys, laundry and dishes.
I hear your knocks, but I won't be coming to the door today. My hair is a mess.
So is my house, and laundry, and dishes, and Harleigh's hair, and Trey's diaper.
SO... If you aren't here to clean, do laundry, dishes, fix a ponytail, change a diaper, or watch my kids while I shower... Stop Knocking!
It's just been that kind of day. That kind of nine-months-since-my-baby-died day!
I see you from the window, but I'm pretending I'm not home. Because my house is littered with toys, laundry and dishes.
I hear your knocks, but I won't be coming to the door today. My hair is a mess.
So is my house, and laundry, and dishes, and Harleigh's hair, and Trey's diaper.
SO... If you aren't here to clean, do laundry, dishes, fix a ponytail, change a diaper, or watch my kids while I shower... Stop Knocking!
It's just been that kind of day. That kind of nine-months-since-my-baby-died day!
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Just Another Wordless Wednesday
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Moo... Look Who's Two!
Yep, you guessed it! This sweet Little Man turned two on December 28th, and he had the best Birthday of all time, (if I must say so myself, ha!) It all began on this old tractor where I took the pictures for his cuter than cute invitations. They turned out perfect, I love my "invitation girl!" On the night of his birthday, we met my Mom at Chuck E. Cheese to have a little b-day dinner, it's a tradition for us to go out on the actual day.
I didn't get any pictures worth sharing at Chuck E. Cheese, so we will just skip straight to the good stuff...
Like this AMAZING cake! It is exactly what I wanted and it fit perfectly with my "barnyard/cowboy theme". (I couldn't make up my mind, so I mixed them! ha!) Okay, so I love my "cake girl" too! This was my 6th Birthday party and I have finally found some help that I am totally ecstatic about! Anyways, back to the party! Josh keeps telling me that we really outdid ourselves this time and that we should just quit while we are ahead. Surely he knows me better than that! :)
Harleigh and Trey petting the baby lamb in the Petting Zoo
The Pony Rides were a huge hit, the Birthday Boy did not want to get off! Another thing he was not interested in doing was parting with that RED ringpop. (thanks a lot Mimi!)
We had an awesome day full of barnyard animals, tons of good company, and beautiful weather! Who could ask for anything more?
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