Harleigh True is our 5 1/2 year old. She just started Kinder in August and she loves it! She also goes to tap/ballet and plays softball in the spring. She is super smart, talented, beautiful and full of personality. Princess Harleigh loves to play outside and get filthy with her puppies, but you will rarely catch her without a tutu on!
our little man
Oliver William III "Trey" is our firstborn son. He just turned 3 and he is all boy! He wants to be outside playing 24/7. He loves to wrestle, play trucks, ball, and anything that screams "BOY". He is such an energetic kid and he keeps us smiling!
Our Angel Baby
Our baby boy was born sleeping on April 15, 2009. He is a part of everything we do and is always in our hearts. I can't wait until the day I can hold him in my arms again.
Our Hope Baby
Lakyn DeAnn is the newest addition to our growing family. She is such a sweet baby and a blessing straight from Heaven. We absolutely adore her!