8 years ago
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Rocking 8
The kids and I went to my Dad and Step-Mom's for Memorial day weekend. All of my brothers and step sisters were there and all of our kids. It was really neat to all be in the same place at once. I can't remember the last time that happend!

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
9 Months Old
You are nine months old! You are growing, growing, growing! You are still way bigger than an average baby your age. You wear size 4 diapers, 12-18 month clothes, 18 month sleepers, and size 4 shoes. You are a chunky monkey, but you are pretty proportionate to your height. Everyone who sees you comments on how big and chunky you are. I love fat babies!

You are learning and doing so much. You are crawling everywhere and you are so fast! You are pulling up and crusing around holding onto toys and furniture. This week you have even stood on your own for a few seconds at a time. I think you are going to walk early like Trey did. You still drink similac sensitive, 8 ounces- 4 times a day. You eat rice cereal at breakfast, and 2 jars of stage 2 baby food at lunch and dinner. You love veggies but will not eat any kind of fruit! You have started snacking too! You really like pretzel sticks and cheerios :)

You are so smart! When we say MWAH, you will give whoever is holding you a big slobbery kiss right on the mouth! And if someone says "Sweet Baby" you cock your head to the side and say "awe". You are a little talker! You say Mama, Dada, Bubba, Poppa, No-No, and Dog! Today, you reached for the light socket and when I told you no you waved your hand and said, "No-no, no-no"! It was adorable! I think everything you do is so cute, even if it's bad! Daddy says I'm creating a Monster. Lately he calls you, "Mommy's Little Monster!" You used to be such a happy girl no matter what. You would swing, or sit in your bouncy seat for hours. Now you have figured out that Mommy will hold you, and you cry every time I put you down. You also love for me to play with you. If you had it your way, we would play on the floor all day long!
You are nine months old! You are growing, growing, growing! You are still way bigger than an average baby your age. You wear size 4 diapers, 12-18 month clothes, 18 month sleepers, and size 4 shoes. You are a chunky monkey, but you are pretty proportionate to your height. Everyone who sees you comments on how big and chunky you are. I love fat babies!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
It's The Harleigh Show!
May was a busy month for our little Kindergartener! It started with Water Day at her school! Trey went to work with Daddy while Lakyn and I went to watch Harleigh in her Water Day activities.
The Coach's lined the kids up in the gym and gave them the 411! Harleigh was so excited!!!
They seperated the boys and girls, fabulous idea! The girls got to do the slip n slide first. I'm so glad they do Water Day now instead of Field Day. It's just way too hot!
All of the little girls in Harleigh's class were so sweet! I can't wait for her Birthday party so we can have them over to play!
Next, was her dance recital! It was adorable, as usual! This was Harleigh's 3rd year of tap and ballet. All of our family came out to watch her dance and she did so good.
Every year Josh gets her flowers after her recital. I think it's just the sweetest thing! He is doing an awesome job of setting her standards very high! :)
Her recital didn't start until 7:30pm. I had planned on having everyone over for dinner afterwards, but the time was so awkward. We weren't going to be at our house until about 9pm, so I figured everyone would have eaten before the recital. So I decided to serve dessert instead of dinner. I had cupcakes, brownies, and a sundae bar. I though this was the best idea ever! But I was so WRONG! lol! No one except for us ate before they came and everyone was hungry and I had NO FOOD! So, next year I will be cooking or we will be going out to eat. We had a good time, but it was embarrassing that everyone was hungry for dinner and all I had was dessert!
The following week was the last week of school for Harleigh. They had an end of the year luncheon in her classroom. I volunteered to bring the paper goods. I found graduation stuff that matched her school colors, and we stuffed the cups with all kinds of goodies the night before.
They had pizza, punch and cupcakes. Josh, Trey, Lakyn and I went and Harleigh was so happy that we were all there. Trey sat by her and ate and we watched her class slideshow. It was adorable. I am going to miss her being in Kindergarten :(
The next Day was her Graduation, the theme was "Coloring Our Future". Each class wore their class shirts, it was so neat! Of course I bought a tutu and a huge bow for Harleigh to wear, lol! She got an end of the year award from her teacher for Best Dressed! I'm so proud! ha!
They sang six of the most adorable songs ever and then they put their cap and gowns on and received their diplomas. These are the same colors they will wear when they graduate from High School. How cute :)
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
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