The summer flew by as usual and it was time for Harleigh to start school again. I was readyto get back to the routine, but I sure do miss her being home with me. She and I went to Meet The Teacher night, which was pretty uneventful. BUT... don't even get me started on how stinking adorable it is that her and Trace are in the same class AGAIN! These two have been together since Parent's Day Out at the Church in town. They started out in the 3's class together, then moved to 4's, had the same Kinder teacher, and now 1st grade too! Harleigh Shirley... has a good ring to it ;) kidding! kidding!

We both loved her teacher and everyone I talked to told me how great she was, so that was a relief. She was her usual Sassy self on the first day and posed for the camera in her new outfit! I'm excited to see what this year has in store for her!
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