I'm a little behind on this post, but I wanted to document it for my records, and update you all on my pregnancy anyways! I do my glucose test and register at the hospital this month and then I start going to the obgyn every two weeks! This pregnancy is flying by!
Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 9 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I am not liking maternity clothes, but I am quickly outgrowing all of my clothes. I can still fit some larges from XXI and I am wearing a few maternity pants here and there.
Gender: It's a Girl! Lakyn Hope
Movement: This kid moves around all the time! If I drink something really cold she will go crazy, and she also moves a lot at night when I lay in bed.
Food Craving: Anything unhealthy! :)
What I miss: Nothing at the moment! I'm feeling great and enjoying being pregnant.
Sleep: I have been sleeping really well lately, the Total Body Boppy pillow my Mom got me helps a lot.
What I am looking forward to: Getting all of Lakyn's stuff organized and ready for her arrival.
Big Sister & Big Brother: Harleigh informed me today that we needed to go to the doctor to check her baby in her tummy (it's a girl named Sadie) And Trey doesn't call the baby Jack anymore. If I ask him the baby's name he says, "It's Lakyn, Mommy! It's not Jack anymore!" <-- They crack me up!