My favorite thing about Christmas is all of the fun family events. I wish there were more activities like this throughout the year. But oh well, we sure do enjoy them the entire month of December!
The fun began at Santa's Wonderland in College Station. I took Harleigh two years ago and went again with Ashley, Landon, and Madeline last year. This year, Josh and I took the kids. That place is awesome! If you have never been... What are you waiting for? They have a hayride through Christmas lights, pony rides, a petting zoo, a live band, food, shopping, it's insane! We had a lot of fun, and I'm proud to announce that we are "Stroller Free!" How sweet it is!

Trey loved riding the pony, I can't wait until his party!

Harleigh posing with Frosty!
We also had The Darr Family Christmas, almost 50 people in one place! Such an awesome tradition! We had great food, and a lot of fun, as usual! Uncle Chris brought a bounce house, which was obviously a huge hit! And we did White Elephant and a gift exchange for the kids. I am so glad that our kids get this expeience with their extended family each year. My cousins Jeremy and Joey couldn't be there, and Coby was sick. We really missed them! But we had an awesome day!
Trey, biting the bounce house! Crazy kid!
Okay, most of you know about Harleigh's Christmas Program, but I'm telling the story AGAIN! I'm still not over it! I was so excited to see my Princess sing in her first school performance. We were leaving that afternoon to go to The Polar Express (more on that in a sec) so I had a lot of packing and such to do before the program. I was in a hurry as usual, but managed to make it at 12:02 (it was supposed to start at noon). I was bummed about being a few minutes late, but I rushed in, video camera in hand, figuring I would have only missed a few minutes. TWO minutes to be exact! I was sadly mistakened. I missed the whole thing. The whole ENITIRE thing! They said that the kids were anxious, so they started 12 minutes early. I was mortified. I didn't complain, I don't want to be that Mom! But I am now planning on showing up about 15 minutes early to everything! Here is the only picture that I got of Harleigh's Christmas Program :(
Next Stop... The Polar Express! My Mom and I took the kids last year, and we loved it! Josh missed out on the fun, so he and I took the kids this year. He is working about 20 minutes from Palestine so we got to visit him and go to The North Pole! The train ride is so cool, and another must for all of you with kiddos!
Harleigh took this picture... future photographer?
No, my children are NOT afraid of Santa Claus! I couldn't be happier!
And lastly, I am including a picture of them the morning of their Mother's Day Out Christmas Party. They had their matching Kelly's Kids outfits on and they were especially sweet to each other all day! It was Trey's first school party, which was a first for me as well. The first time I would have to make food for two classes, and run back and forth so I could be at both of their parties as much as possible. It was hectic, but fun! (Trey is actually smiling in this picture. He is in a weird "fake smile" stage right now, can't wait til he outgrows it!)
These are not the last of our "Christmas Festivities" believe it or not! We still have Santa pictures with Colsyn tonight! And all in a week... Christmas with Mimi and Moose, Nan and Poppa, and Nanna and PawPaw! Wish me luck!