Lakyn, you are TWO MONTHS OLD!
Here are some of your newborn pictures, you were only NINE DAYS OLD! You have changed so much in just 8 short weeks. I love Shelia, our new photographer, and can't wait for Christmas pictures!

*You weigh 12 lbs. 2 oz and you are 24 inches long! You are over the 100th percentile in height and you are in the 95th percentile in weight. Dr. Taylor said you are the size of a FOUR MONTH OLD! You are a chunky little monkey!
*You wear size 3-6 month clothes which is really exciting because all of your adorable outfits are starting to fit! You look like a little baby doll every time we leave the house!
*You wear size 1 diapers, Pampers Swaddlers. You had a weird reaction to Huggies, so we will just stick with Pampers!
*You are fully weined now and you are doing great with the change! You use Avent bottles and Similac Sensitive Soy Formula. You drink 4 ounces every 3-4 hours.
*You have been randomly sleeping through the night, which is awesome for Mommy!
*You are staying awake for longer periods of time and cooing and smiling often.
*You always recognize Mommy's voice and this morning when you heard your Daddy, you stopped drinking your bottle and scanned the room trying to find him, it was so sweet!
*Harleigh and Trey are head over heels for you and they want to hold you and talk to you all day long! Trey loves to get right in your face and he calls you, "Sweet Lakyn" and "Little Tiny". Harleigh loves to feed you and read to you!
You are our little hope baby and we are enjoying you so much!!!
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