The same day as the Easter parties, yes, the crazy day where I was pulled in every direction!?! Lol! To top it all off, Trey had a game that night. Well, he was supposed to have a game, but we got to the field and realized it had been cancelled! Josh's parent's were already on their way so we decided to meet for dinner instead. Josh was working out of town, story of my life! lol!
The kids were terrible at dinner, I was so embarrassed! It's really hard when Josh is out of town. My patience wears very thin at times. So, when Nan and Poppa wanted to go to the park after dinner, I was less than thrilled. ha! But we went anyways, and I'm SO glad we did!

The 3 amigos on the slide! They had so much fun and the boys were cracking me up with those Monster Trucks. They were pushing them down the slide and putting them on the swings. They are so funny!

Lakyn LOVES to swing! She cracks up and smiles so big. I took a million pictures of her swinging and this was the best one. This kid always has her tongue out! lol!

Poppa played with Lakyn the whole time. She slid, swang and played in the sand. He spends so much one on one time with my kids and I'm so thankful. I seriously don't know what I would do without him. He helps me so much around the house and with the kids. He makes a point to come by and see them daily and even loads them up and takes them with him to give me a break. It's very nice to have such loving and involved Grandparents. You can never have too many people to love your kids. I can't anyways ;)

I LOVE this picture! Our sweet nephew is so handsome! He's a pretty special little guy too. Josh's parents have him about 75% of the time which is great because we get to see him ALOT. Harleigh and Trey are so close to their cousin and they love him so much! Everytime they see their Nan they look in the backseat to see if he's there. The times he isn't, which is pretty rare, they get SO upset. Seriously, it's a cry-fest! They act like they are never going to see him again! lol! Poor babies would spend every minute with their cousin if they could! I'm excited for Josh's parents to move by us so they can spend even more time together!

My little crazy kid! I don't know how I could love him any more.

Sweet Harleigh! She is so girly but she gets right in there with the boys and holds her own!
I see a lot more park days in the future for the cousins! We plan on having a very fun filled summer! I can't wait!