Our Spring was consumed with baseball! Harleigh has played Tiny Tots for 2 years and this year she moved up to 6U coach pitch softball. It was Trey's first year of Tiny Tots, super cute!!!

I found this shirt online and it completely sums up my life the past few months! Between both kids having practice and two games a week each, I was very busy! Harleigh also has homework every night and dance one night a week. And that's why I am in a ball cap and t shirt most days! lol!

Harleigh & Trey at their Opening Day ceremonies. Each team supplies a cake and they auction them off and the proceeds go to the baseball park. Some of the cakes go for over $500... insane!

Trey's Tiny Tots team was called The Sand Gnats. How cute is that!?! He did pretty good but he missed a lot of games and practices because of Harleigh's. Tiny Tots is so cute, the kids are so little!

Lakyn is her brother and sister's biggest fan. She went to all the games and cheered them on! Here she is watching one of Harleigh's games with her Poppa.

Harleigh's team was The Orange Crush. We had so much fun watching her play and cheering her on. It gets a lot more serious at the coach pitch level, her team only lost one game. They were 1st place in their age group. I'm glad she had such a good season and that we enjoyed it so much because she says she doesn't want to play again next year :( But I'm sure we will be at the ball park with Trey!
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