Today was my 20 week appointment, we're halfway there! My Mom and Josh's Mom went with me to the ultrasound. The baby has a big round head and a button nose, just like all my babies! It was sucking it's thumb off and on thoughout the ultrasound, so sweet! I don't have digital pictures of the baby, so a picture of my belly will have to do!
Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 20 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 4 pounds (yep, finally catching up with me!)
Maternity Clothes: Still loving my Bella Band!
Gender: We don't know!
Name: Lakyn Hope or Cain Joshua
Movement: I have been feeling movement off and on throughout the day and a lot in the evenings.
Food Craving: I am eating a lot of Subway lately
What I miss: My clothes! I am outgrowing everything!
Sleep: I sleep good until I get up to go to the bathroom, and then I'm pretty much tossing and turning after that.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby with all of our family and friends!
Symptoms: I'm feeling great!
Big Sister & Big Brother: If you ask Trey if he want's a boy or a girl, he says "BOY!" everytime! Harleigh says, "I want a boy so I can be the only girl!" and "If it's a girl, she can have everything purple, cause pink is my favorite color!" (uh-oh!)