Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a really fun Easter this year! The kids had their party at The Church and it went very smoothly. I was so worried about having to miss one of their parties/egg hunts, but it worked out perfectly. I was able to go to each of their classes for lunch and see them both hunt eggs. Harleigh's class was so funny! The ran so fast after the eggs and all of the girls were fighting over the pink eggs, it was hilarious!

Trey's class made these adorable bunny hats. Aren't they cute?!? Poor guy, I always want the kids to match on the holidays and he usually gets stuck wearing pink! His egg hunt was adorable! The two year olds were just getting the hang of it. They walked around and Trey kept showing me his eggs before he put them in his basket. They were also helping each other fill their baskets. Totally different story from the Fours!
And here they are in their personalized Easter shirts. They only got to wear them once because I got long sleeves and it was warm around Easter this year. The last two years it was cool. Dang Texas weather!


Moose and MiMi said...

I absolutely LOVE that picture of Harleigh. Her dress is precious. And our little man looks perfect in pink!!! Those bunny ears, what can you say? How cute are they? We had a great Easter! P.S. Keep the shirts, they will probably fit next year and if it's hot we can have the sleeves cut off!! Can't depend on this weather!

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