I swear I can hear a clock ticking in the background as I go through my day! It's just a matter of days until Harleigh starts Kindergarten! Trey is also going back to Mother's Day Out! And of course, our baby girl will be here in 3 weeks!
I am such a list person, I keep a spiral notebook with me at all times and I am always making lists. I have a list of places I need to go for errands such as bank, post office, feed store. Then, of course there is the Wal-mart list... never ending! I also have a list of things I need to do for work, and now I have added a list of things to do/buy before Lakyn arrives, and things to do/buy before Harleigh starts school! These lists are taking over my life, ha! No really, I couldn't live without my notebook. I have been crossing things off lately and it feels so good!
Yesterday, the kids and I spent the day with my Mom, their Mimi! They were so excited when we got to the mall to meet her. I wish I had taken pictures, but we stayed pretty steady all day and I never thought about it! We also met their Moose, and my cousins Adrian and Krystal for dinner, fun day!
Harleigh's school clothes shopping is finished and we have meet the teacher Friday night. I am really close to being ready for Lakyn, and the things I have left to do are really minor and unneccesary, but I'm just picky! I am really trying to concentrate on enjoying the moment and not thinking so much about what is to come. I tend to rush things, but I'm just SO anxious! :)
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