Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 34 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Gain: +20 lbs
Maternity Clothes: My cousin got me 4 new shirts and a dress the other day! I am loving having new things to wear and they are all so cute and go with anything!
Gender: It's a girl! Lakyn Hope
Movement: She is still moving a lot, but it has definitely slowed down as she has gotten bigger. I can tell she has less room and I'm feeling more wiggling and less flipping!
Food Cravings: I am constantly wanting ice cream and chocolate, and anything sweet!
What I Miss: I really miss having energy to play with the kids and go for walks.
Sleep: I went through a short period where I was sleeping really well, but it has come to an end! I feel like I'm awake more at night that asleep.
What I'm Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward to our diaper party this weekend!
Big Sister & Big Brother: They are both really anxious to meet their new baby sister and neither one of them quite understand why we have to wait so long!
Yay! One month to go!
Love the picture!! My vote is Hope :) Whenever people ask about Madalyn's name I share the reason we chose Hope as her middle name.
This is a beautiful picture of the 3 of you! You will know when you meet her and hold her what you both want her middle name to be. Both are beautiful and meaningful. If ya'll coose Mae you can always make a note in her baby book that we called her "Lakyn Hope" while she in your tummy & why!
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