However... there is another side to our Little Diva that I happen to think is perfect as well. Imagine that! ha! She loves to play outside, jump on the trampoline, ride around on the Ranger, go hunting with her Daddy, and most of all, she loves to play with the dogs. But... keep in mind, she can rarely be found doing any of these things without a tutu on! LOL!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Country Girl
However... there is another side to our Little Diva that I happen to think is perfect as well. Imagine that! ha! She loves to play outside, jump on the trampoline, ride around on the Ranger, go hunting with her Daddy, and most of all, she loves to play with the dogs. But... keep in mind, she can rarely be found doing any of these things without a tutu on! LOL!
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Harleigh is Five!
Her first Birthday was insane! It was bug themed! We had 80 people at our house, we rented a waterslide, and ran out of food! ha! Priceless!
For her second Birthday we had a Luau. She was scaired of the waterslide, but loved singing the Happy Birthday song to herself! :)
Our little Cupcake's third Birthday was so much fun. It was neat seeing her "socialize" with her friends. She was such a little chatter box and still is!
Harleigh's favorite food is strawberries, so for her fourth Birthday, I went all out and got everything on earth that was made with strawberries!
And then there was FIVE! She loved her Ariel themed party!
Happy Birthday, Harleigh True! I have had so much fun raising you these past five years! You continue to amaze me with how intelligent and beautiful you are. I am proud to call you my daughter!
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Thursday, July 22, 2010
Like Father, Like Son
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Big 3-0!
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Monday, July 19, 2010
7 Months

My baby is the size of a squash this month! She is moving around constantly and is definitely a night owl. I love lying in bed and falling asleep to the rythm of her kicks and jabs! :) My pregnancy is going very well! My doc appointments have been pretty uneventful and all of the tests and bloodwork I have done have come back normal. I have started going every two weeks now. Last week Dr. R wanted to talk about delivery. Since my labor was so fast with Trey (2 1/2 hours start to finish!) and I live an hour away, he suggested that I be induced a week early. I said, "Of course!" So as of right now, I will be induced on Wednesday September 8, 2010!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 31 weeks
Total Weight Gain: +18 pounds
Maternity Clothes: My wardrobe is pretty small, but I have a few things I really like and just wear over and over! I just can't seem to make myself go crazy buying clothes that aren't going to fit much longer!
Gender: GIRL! Lakyn Hope
Movement: She is moving all the time!
Food Cravings: I love gatorade on hot days and I eat a lot of cereal.
What I miss: Nothing at the moment!
Sleep: I am actually sleeping pretty well lately.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting the place that did my 3d ultrasound to burn me a new cd so I can upload/print the pictures. The one they burned for me didn't work! :(
Big Sister & Big Brother: Harleigh is very excited and talks about the baby all the time. Trey doesn't talk about it as much, but he is definitely realizing that she is coming SOON! He even got a big boy bed and gave his crib to his baby sister very williningly! :)
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010
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