My baby is the size of a squash this month! She is moving around constantly and is definitely a night owl. I love lying in bed and falling asleep to the rythm of her kicks and jabs! :) My pregnancy is going very well! My doc appointments have been pretty uneventful and all of the tests and bloodwork I have done have come back normal. I have started going every two weeks now. Last week Dr. R wanted to talk about delivery. Since my labor was so fast with Trey (2 1/2 hours start to finish!) and I live an hour away, he suggested that I be induced a week early. I said, "Of course!" So as of right now, I will be induced on Wednesday September 8, 2010!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 31 weeks
Total Weight Gain: +18 pounds
Maternity Clothes: My wardrobe is pretty small, but I have a few things I really like and just wear over and over! I just can't seem to make myself go crazy buying clothes that aren't going to fit much longer!
Gender: GIRL! Lakyn Hope
Movement: She is moving all the time!
Food Cravings: I love gatorade on hot days and I eat a lot of cereal.
What I miss: Nothing at the moment!
Sleep: I am actually sleeping pretty well lately.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting the place that did my 3d ultrasound to burn me a new cd so I can upload/print the pictures. The one they burned for me didn't work! :(
Big Sister & Big Brother: Harleigh is very excited and talks about the baby all the time. Trey doesn't talk about it as much, but he is definitely realizing that she is coming SOON! He even got a big boy bed and gave his crib to his baby sister very williningly! :)
It's hard to believe she is that big already and growing everyday! It is amazing watching your tummy when she is moving. I am so in love already with our Lakyn Hope!!
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