8 years ago
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Big 3-0!
Last night we celebrated Josh's 30th Birthday with some of our closest friends and family. I called everyone up and asked them to meet us at our fave Mexican food restaraunt at 6:30 sharp! My plan was for us to get there about 6:45 for the big surprise! But, the birthday boy did not cooperate, of course! He came in late from work and had to work on a tire. He was taking his sweet time getting ready and I was trying not to give away the surprise and rush him out the door. We finally made it at 7:10! I felt so bad for making everyone wait on us, but he really was surprised!
I spent two hours making his favorite cake from SCRATCH! Red Velvet Cake. The cake part was easy, and it went perfectly. So, when I started making the icing I was feeling very confident. I was feeling so confident that while I was supposed to be warming and stirring the mixture, I hung up a few clothes! The mixture got lumpy and the icing wound up not looking right, but everyone said it tasted good. I don't think I could have handled it if they had said otherwise :)
Here is Josh posing with his present from the kids and I. He has never owned a watch and has been wanting one for about a year. So I wanted to get him something really nice, a family heirloom that can be passed on for generations. I was really nervous about finding the perfect one, and I was so relieved that he LOVED it!

Some of our entertainment for the evening :) These kids are such a mess! Thanks everybody for coming to help us celebrate Josh's Birthday. He said it was the best one he has ever had!
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We had a great time and were glad to be included! The cake was wonderful, icing and all! The Rolex you picked was perfect! I am glad Josh had a good time! And yes, those kids are all a cute mess!
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